We can help members of the media locate experts for interviews on topics related to the Center for the Study of the Middle East. The following offices may be of assistance.
For members of the media
Faculty media expert: Ambassador Feisal Istrabadi
Ambassador Feisal Istrabadi, founding director of the IU Center for the Study of the Middle East (CSME), is a scholar in international law and diplomacy. Amb. Istrabadi is the former deputy permanent representative of Iraq to the United Nations, and was a principal legal drafter of the Iraq interim constitution. His research focuses on constitutional issues, problems in engendering rule-of-law institutions, and post-conflict justice issues in the Middle East. Amb. Istrabadi is a faculty member in the Department of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures and the Maurer School of Law at Indiana University.
Contact Amb. Feisal Istrabadi
BBC World Service Weekend
Amb. Istrabadi discusses the Chilcot Report that excoriated Britain’s entry into the Iraq War. His interview starts just before the 27 minute mark.
CNN World
Amb. Istrabadi looks at Iraq’s battle to retake the city of Falluja from ISIS.
Watch the videoCNN U.S.
Amb. Istrabadi comments: ISIS is trying to provoke Shia Muslims and undermine the legitimacy of the Baghdad government with repeated attacks in Iraq.
Listen to the interview