Shia Islam and Modern Society
November 30 & December 1, 2023
Indiana University
In-person meetings in room 2067 of the Global and International Studies Building
Zoom registration link
All times are Eastern Standard Time (U.S.). Presenters: 20-25 minutes for each presentation and 15 minutes for discussion
Day one: Thursday, November 30, 2023
9am: Welcome and Opening Remarks: Ambassador Feisal Istrabadi
Session 1: 9:15 am- 10:45:
Chair: Professor John Walbridge
Abdul Rahim Afaki, “Death of an Icon and Death as an Icon: Iconicity of the Karbala Martyrdom and its Socio-Political-Cultural Significance in the Context of Muslim South Asia.”
Ali Ahmad Rasekh, “Bipartite Deputyship: Shia and Non-Juristic Political Leadership.”
Syeda Nada Qadri, “Religious Revival and Cultural Identity: The Role of Shia Islam in Countering Global Homogenization.”
Morning break: 10:45 am- 11:00 am
Session 2: 11:00 am- 12:30 pm:
Chair: Dr. Negar Partow
Mashal Saif, “Between History and Memory: Contemporary Pakistani Shi‘a ‘Ulama’s Reflections on Modern Politics and Sectarian Harmony.”
Leyla H. Tajer, “Exploring LGBTQ Perspectives in Shia Islam: Inclusivity, Diversity, and Human Rights.”
Zahra Azhar & Moslem Nadalizadeh, “Women’s Singing in Shia Imamia Thought: A Revisiting.”
Lunch: 12:30 pm-1:30 pm
Day 2 – Friday, December 1, 2023
Session 3: 9:00 am- 10:15 am:
Chair: Dr. Carl Pearson
Alexander Shepard, “The Political Theology of Abdul Karim Soroush.”
Negar Partow, “Crossroads of Power: Iran's Geopolitical Game in Central and South Asia."
Zainab Naqvi, “Cohesion and Cooperation: Shia Islam and Cultural Practices of South Asia.”
Morning Break: 10:15 am- 10:30 am
Session 4: 10:30 am- 12:00 pm:
Chair: Alex Shepard
Seyed Amir Asghari, “Beyond Wilāyat al-Faqīh: Ṭabāṭabāʾī’s Interpretation of Islamic Political Philosophy.”
Tasmia Tahira, “Pakistan Military's Narrative of Inclusion: Making Sectarianism Invisible.”
Matiullah Tareen, “The Politics of Sectarianism and Balochistan.”
12:00- 12:10 – Concluding remarks: Professor Negar Partow