Global and International Studies Building Staircase

A vibrant + interdisciplinary center

As a Title VI Comprehensive National Resource Center, we promote knowledge of the Middle East by providing enrichment to academic programs, scholarship, public outreach, and support for educators and students at all levels.

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Man giving speech to a group of people

Support for teachers

We provide teachers with information, curricula, and resources to facilitate learning about the Middle East. We also coordinate and support programming related to the region for educators.

View our curricula
Picture of middle eastern language

Learn a language

To truly understand the Middle East, you must have a solid grasp of the modern languages of the region. We support the study of modern Arabic, Hebrew, Turkish, Persian, and Kurdish.

See our language resources

Expertise about the Middle East

Ambassador Feisal Istrabadi, the Founding Director of CSME, signing the Book of Members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences at his induction in 2015.

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